Wednesday 3 October 2012

What is the function of a trailer?

Trailers are a promotional device to advertise for new and upcoming films, which are designed to capture our attention in order to get us to go out and watch the film in the cinema.  Other marketing techniques, for example posters capture the initial interest of the audience, however, it is the film trailer which conveys the excitement and atmosphere of the film. Moving images stirs the emotions of the audience and creates a great sense of excitement that still image can't.
   The trailer is also important in giving the audience information about the film, e.g what the story is about, what actors are in it and the genre of the film. It is important for the trailer to portray the genre of the film, as this is going to determine whether the audience decide to watch the film. This will also mean expectations of the film can be set up.

Codes and conventions
  • The film company logo can always be seen at the begginning.
  • The sequence of events in the trailer is never the same as that in the film. It is placed in the order which will excite and intrigue the viewer most.
  • Intertitles give hints towards the plot of the film, and also provide information on the release date, producer/director etc.
  • Trailers establish the genre of the film.
  • Many trailers include a voiceover which provides a narrative and helps in gettng the basic plot across to the audience.
  • Most trailers include music, as this allows the trailer to create the right atmosphere for the film and can help cretae expectations. It often brings elements of the film together, and often runs with the action of the trailer.
  • The names of the stars often included (this through intertitles)
  • They allow the film to show it's unique selling point.
  • Allows us to establish the main and most important characters, and also those we will feel sympathy, empathy for etc.
  • They end with a billing block, a list of the principal cast and crew.

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