Tuesday 4 December 2012

American Psycho Film Poster Analysis


“American Psycho” is the name of the film, this is obvious due to the clear font, this being the main piece of text on the poster catching the audience’s attention. “Psycho”, a shortened term for psychopath or psychotic, brings to mind irrational and ‘mad’ behaviour, suggesting this to be the cause of danger and disorder in the film. The title also sets up the scene as taking place in America.
   The main image is of what appears to be a businessman holding a knife, where we see his reflection in the blade.  Stood with his head tilted as if hiding away, creates a sense of mystery around the man, the audience presented with an intriguing character.
   The knife acts as an iconographic image, this suggesting a violent aspect to the film. This suggests to the viewer that people are going to be in contact with danger. The reflection of the man also brings about possible features to the film. This could be hinting that there are two sides to the man, having two personas. The idea of reflection also makes you think about the mind and soul, this referring back to the title, American Psycho.  Through the iconographic images, more than one genre can be expected, both horror and psychological elements.
   The names of the stars are not included on the poster. However, there is an emphasis on just one character in the poster, suggesting the man to be the main character and protagonist to the film.
   The man has tilted his head, as if hiding his face. There is a lot of shadowing on his face, making again his character to appear mysterious. He is dressed in a smart business suit, suggesting he has a professional persona. The use of the knife as a prop contrasts against his mode of dress here, making him appear a conservative and professional man, where in fact there is another side to him.
   The poster carry’s the movie’s tagline, “Killer looks”. This suggests to me, after analysing the imagery, that the man is rather materialistic, fitting in with the american lifestyle, yet has another darker side to him.
   The billing block appears conventionally at the bottom of the poster. The director and producer of the film is Mary Harron, who doesn't appear to be that widely well known, so this doesn't appear to be a unique selling point. I think the film's appeal here, and it's unique selling point it the mysterious element. The poster gives very little away, yet gives several hints towards the ideas and concepts behind the film.

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