Thursday 7 February 2013

First Draft of Poster

After producing the first draft of my poster, both the class and the teacher evaluated my design. I will take their comments into account to produce an improved second draft. The title “Repression” appears to be effective as it was said that it suggests someone who is dwelling on memories and is trying to repress thoughts of their past. This therefore gives hints towards a psychological element to the film. However, I found my main image needs to be improved/ changed.  They found that the main image was a bit vague, and although leaving the question of who the images are of and there significance, it was suggested that they perhaps gave too much away from of their relationship.  It was also suggested that the main image didn't convey a particular genre. Although the poster offers a puzzle in that it doesn't give much of the storyline away, it is important the genre is recognisable. As a group we decided that continuity needed to be carried across each of our posters, and so decided on the date, actor’s names, and tagline that would feature on everyone’s poster.

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