Friday 8 March 2013

Filming Dates

29th January - Martelle, Dom and Alex filmed the classroom shots. Timing was a slight issue as we only had the hour to film and set up, however the majority of shots managed to be filmed.  

11th february - All four of us met at 10 o clock with the aim to film the majority of the shots in the house. The shoot was successful, but a few were unable to be taken as we needed to use a different house for some in order to cater for the props. Dom took the camera home to take these.

Witht the majority of shots completed, the following week we all took it in turns to go into the editing suite. We uploaded the shots we had done and placed them in order to get an idea of how it was coming together before taking the remaining shots. This also meant we could use our time more effectively by making a start with the editing process whilst continuing filming.

5th March - During our lesson we reshot a few of the class scenes. We then spent the rest of the day taking additional shots in the hosue. When editing we also found we needed to add shots in which would create a narrative for the female character in the film. Again Dom took the camera home to do these.

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