Friday 11 January 2013

The Others Poster Analysis

The title “The Others” suggests a group of people which are set aside from the majority, as if labelled as ‘the others’. This therefore suggests they are different, going against what is seen as the norm. It causes the audience to question whether this is the cause of the film.
   The tagline, “Sooner or later they will find you” suggests that someone is hiding from something, therefore showing the characters are faced with fear in the film. This creates a sense of mystery as nothing is hinting at what the characters are hiding from.
   This idea is strengthened through the main image. The actor is included, positioned to the left of the poster. Being surrounded by darkness, whilst holding a light, emphasises the idea of hiding from something. A great sense of fear can be identified with the character due to her facial expression, appearing on edge and anxious.
   The only star mentioned on the poster is Nicole Kidman, this made prominent by being placed directly above the title. This makes her name easily recognisable, possibly making the actor a unique selling point of the film, and it also shows she is the main character.
   The credits are found conventionally at the bottom of the poster. From this we can see that the director is Alejandro Amenabar. He is a successful Spanish director, yet not that well-known. With his name being situated within the credits, and not made a feature of within the poster, suggests this is used as a main selling point relying more so on the actors and mysterious element of the film.
   Although the film is certificated 15, I think it would also reach a more mature audience. For this reason, I think the target audience ranges up to adults of the age of 40. The main experience/pleasure displayed in the film is the mysterious element provided, as there is a great sense of fear created, without giving too many hints away as to what is the cause of this. It makes the audience want to watch the film to find out.  

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