Wednesday 9 January 2013

What Lies Beneath Poster Analysis


The title of the film is "What Lies Beneath", this initially bringing to mind creature like occurances. However, when looking closer it can be noticed that there is a bigger emphasis on the word 'Lies', this being in a larger and bolder font. This suggests there is something deeper under the surface, as if someone is hiding something. This point can be strengthened by the poster's tagline, "He was the perfect husband until his one mistake followed him home". The use of the past tense shows the audience that his actions have had an impact on the presnt, the title suggesting he has been deciteful. There appears to be conflict between the wife and husband.
   The main image is of a hand, gripping onto the edge of the bathtub, a ring on it's finger hinting this could be the wife. This creates a great sense of mystery and shows the audience someone is in trouble, in need for help as if gripping for safety. The image is simple, yet effetive with the sparse white background creating even more mystery, nothing more is given away through imagery.
   The film's stars are Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfeiffer, both well known actors but not seen on the poster. There names are clearly placed at the top, their positioning sugeseting equal status.
   The credits are conventionally found at the bottom of the poster, the director's name however is placed above the film title. Robert Zemeckis is well established director, and with his name positioned amonst the poster, rather than in the credits, shows his name would likely be recognisable to the audience. He is a well-known and successful director. However, this is in much smaller print to that of the actors, suggesting these are more of a selling point than the director may be.
   I think the unique selling point here is the great sense of mystery that is given, along with the actors. The film is certificated 15, yet I believe the target audience would reach a maturer audience being able to relate to the married relationships and the conflicts that can arise. The maturer actors as sellign points adds to this. The film would also appeal to both genders.  


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