Monday 12 November 2012

Individual Film Plot

The film begins where we see a middle-aged man, who is a reclusive, isolated to the confines of his own home. We see him go about his everyday life as normal, alone yet content. For this reason, the film takes place nowhere other than his home. As the story develops, unusual things begin to happening around the house, the lights switching themselves on, doors opening themselves, and finding objects in places they weren't originally placed. The man doesn't think any more of this, thinking he was just being overly suspicious.
   However, this odd behaviour around the house continues yet gradually getting worse. One afternoon he answers the door to his neighbour where they have a brief conversation. The man happens to mention he hasn't seen his neighbour in a long time, and much to his surprise the neighbour replies saying he had spoken to him the previous week and had acted out of character, so had come round to see how things were. This confusion starts doubting the man about the other occurrences, making him believe he has just become forgetful.
   The man returns to his kitchen to find the mornings post open, which he had no recollection of doing.  While doing so, he comes across a note on the table which doesn't seem familiar to him. He then walks further into the kitchen to find the magnets on the fridge reading a message. This is a hidden message, within it a date seeming oddly familiar to the man. At this point, the man is now convinced there is someone in his house trying to confuse him, leaving him in a paranoid state.
   Tension and momentum increase as the man becomes more paranoid and noticing more things out of the ordinary. As time goes on, the audience then see the man looking into a mirror, where his reflection doesn't appear to be him. It is now revealed to the audience the peculiar behaviour was a result of his alter ego, the person seen in his reflection. The man had  witnessed his partner get killed, leaving the man distraught, unable to deal with what happened. With the difficulty of dealing with this, he blanked it from his memory, and so it is through his alter ego he would vent these feelings, while being unaware of them in the natural state going along with life as if nothing had ever happened. These feelings being so strong however, he was no longer able to hide his feelings behind the alter ego.

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