Monday 12 November 2012

Individual Group Plot Redraft

Mark, a man in his early twenties, is returning home after serving in the army for four years. When him and his best friend, Jack were younger, there was an incident that took place where they had been out for the night and were driving home, when Jack ran a man over in the street. Mark was passed out at this point, due to being heavily drunk. Jack sees this as an opportunity to blame the accident on Mark, by placing Mark in the drivers seat, making him believe it was his fault, making him feel guilty for something he hadn't done. He decided to join the army, as a way of getting away from this. However, experiencing death first hand, and the events of war, this has a great effect on Mark.
   Mark has several flashbacks to his time spent in the army. His time spent serving in the army had a great effect on his mental state, and as result he was sent back home. We see Mark walking down the street, where he appears to be seeing a flashback. He bumps into another man bringing him back to reality, now appearing startled, and a little confused.
   Mark had returned home to his girlfriend, Claire, who had not seemed to be acting her usual self. A couple of days after returning home, Claire tells Mark that when he had been away, she had been having an affair with his best friend Jack. This angers Mark, after Jack already causing such a big impact on his life already, this finally caused him to want to confront Jack and get his own back. Claire is concerned by Mark's reaction, as this very much out of character, and so rings Jack to explain what has happened and tells him to be careful, worried about what Mark might do.
   Mark breaks into Jack's house the next day, where he finds his journal. On the date in which the accident happened, Mark writes, “I know what you did” repeatedly on the page. Jack returns home to find this his journal has been moved, to find the message. This concerns Jack, leaving him in a paranoid state. Not feeling safe in his own home, he makes his way up stairs to check if there is anyone in the house. Jack sees nothing and so returns downstairs.
   Odd behaviour continues to happen, for example, he will receive a  phone call at the same time every night, but when he answers no one appears to be on the other end of the phone. At this same time, Jack will also receive text messages with the same message as before, “I know what you did”. The time is significant as this is the time in which the incident occurred.
   Mark now takes this to a further level, where he tries to confuse Jack by changing the times on the clocks, this being the same time he received the messages and phone calls. Each time, Jack will change the clocks back to the right time, however, they continue to read the same time. This continues to happen, Jack now is in a very vulnerable state, making him doubt himself and start to think he is becoming forgetful and confused. He walks into the kitchen where everything seems to be like when he last left it. However, soon after, he turns around to notice a message written on the fridge saying “Don't worry, your secret is safe with me”.
   It is at this point when everything comes to much for Jack. Mark's plan had succeeded. At the appointed time, this time all the clocks went off in the house. This creates an exaggerated chaotic sound, and it is amongst this, we Jack finally breakdown. Jack is stood in the middle of the living room, with his hands on his ears shouting, “Make it stop!”. It has finally got the better of him, he now feels the guilt he should have felt years ago. Mark wanted him to know what it felt like to be damaged by the ones you love, the ones you had always trusted.

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