Monday 12 November 2012

Individual Group Plot

Mark had been in the army for two years and during this time has witnessed his good friend die in battle. Mark finds this difficult to deal with and as time goes on, begins to feel more and more guilty, believing he should have done more to help his friend at the time, although completely out of his hands. This eventually becomes to much for Mark, so is sent home as he can no longer deal with what has happened.
   Mark returns home to his girlfriend, Claire. On his arrival, he is greeted with more bad news from Claire. Here, she tells him that whilst he has been away, she has been having an affair with his best friend, Jack.  As expected Mark doesn't take the news too lightly, angering him tremendously. Although this was expected, Mark still appears to be acting out of character. Concerned of his reaction, Claire phones Jack to explain what has happened, and to be careful, worried what Mark might do. Already in a depressed state of mind, this news has made matters even worse.
   Mark gets increasingly angry, he can't believe his best friend would go behind his back in such a  way. Mark wants to get his own back, wanting Jack to understand how it feels to be hurt by someone you have always trusted. In order to do so, he decides to break into Jack's house, where he begins tormenting his friend. At first, he does this subtly, for example, misplacing items in the house, leaving lights on and doors open, to confuse the man. Jack begins noticing these things, starting to believe there is someone in his house.
   This unusual behaviour continues to take place, leaving Jack in an even more paranoid state. Jack has lost all sense of safety, even in the confines of his own home. The behaviour gradually gets worse, when one day Jack walks into the kitchen to find a message written on the fridge. It's at this point Jack decides he needs to face his fears, this being Mark.
   The message leads Jack to the woods, where he meets Mark. Here we see Mark's rage and anger reach it's height. He torments Jack even further, tying him to a tree whilst blindfolded. Mark confronts Jack, trying to play tricks with his head. It is at this point, Mark has a realisation. He has a flashback, which causes him to realise what he has been doing. We now find out that the side of Mark that had been tormenting Jack, was in fact his alter ego, however he was unaware of this in his natural state. Now, rather than killing Jack, he shoots himself instead. The audience will hear a gunshot in the trailer, but it won't be revealed to the audience who is shot. Mark was horrified with his behaviour, unable to face the fact he could damage the lives of those closest to him. He doesn't like the man he has become. As a result, Mark kills himself, while Jack escapes the dark torment.

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