Saturday 20 April 2013

Focus Group Questionnaire Results

1. What gender do you think our trailer predominantly targets?
  • Male                   1
  • Female
  • Both                    7

2. What age range do you think our trailer targets?
  • 15 - 25               1
  • 15 - 40               3
  • 18 - 25               2
  • 18 - 40               2

3. What genre would you say our trailer is?

All of the focus group thought that the genre was psychological thriller. 

4. Depending on the genre you have chosen, what elements of the trailer suggest this?

Mental Illness
The loneliness and the obsession
Panic Elements
Red Lettering
Visual Effects - never see wife 
The Title 
General feeling of insanity/ confusion expressed by the main character and the therapist questions asked

5. What three camera shots particularly stood out when you watched the trailer?

The blurred point of view shot after the main character took the drugs, the black and white slow motion shot, along with the shot of the time on the fridge appear to be the most memorable shots in the trailer. Other shots that stood out most to people include the classroom scene, the breakdown, the close up of the clock, the man running through the house and collapsing in the corridor. 

6. After watching the trailer, would this intrigue you/ give you incentive to see the film in the cinema?

Five people said they would see the film in the cinema - it looks challenging, want to find out what happened to the main character and find out who Lisa is, Interesting characters and gripping titles, wanted to find out the significance of the time questioning whether this is a flashback

Three people said they wouldn't - the twist seemed obvious, gave too much away

7. Can you identify the protagonist/ villain from the trailer? What clues are given?

Most could identify the protagonist as few other characters were shown, almost all of the shots focusing on him.It was also stated that the protagonist was the main character due to the missing Lisa. The antagonist was also identified.

8. Does the soundtrack work effectively with the pace of shots in the trailer?

All though the soundtrack was effective - music up keeping with the genre, increases tension, one person said it was particularly effective towards the end 

9. Did you like the ending or did it give too much away?

Two people though the ending gave too much away, however thought the music resembled that of a real trailer.

Six people thought the opposite - it kept questions unanswered, made them to want to see more, intriguing. 

10. Are you able to predict the story of the film after watching the trailer?

Four people said that they could - simple film to follow along, spoils cliff hanger, can identify that the wife is either dead or imaginary and that the time 11:57 is important, yes but it could be a range of scenarios - murder, relationship break-up etc

Three thought otherwise - apart from the wife dying nothing more is answered

Focus Group Questionnaire

1. What gender do you think our trailer predominantly targets?
  • Male
  • Female
  • Both

2. What age range do you think our trailer targets?
  • 15 - 25
  • 15 - 40
  • 18 - 25
  • 18 - 40 

3. What genre would you say our trailer is?
  • Horror
  • Action
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Comedy
  • Sci-Fi

4. Depending on the genre you have chosen, what elements of the trailer suggest this?

5. What three camera shots particularly stood out when you watched the trailer?

6. After watching the trailer, would this intrigue you/ give you incentive to see the film in the cinema?
  • Yes
  • No

7. Can you identify the protagonist/ villain from the trailer? What clues are given?

8. Does the soundtrack work effectively with the pace of shots in the trailer?

9. Did you like the ending or did it give too much away?

10. Are you able to predict the story of the film after watching the trailer?  

Focus Group Plan

Our focus group took place on 19th April, where we asked 10 people to attend, however, some weren’t able to take part. It took the following structure:

Once seated, Martelle will introduce the focus group, by explaining what will be happening and what they can expect from the focus group.

Questionnaires are then handed out after watching the trailer for the first time.  After completing this we will ask them to watch it a second time. Dom will then lead the open discussion.

Open questions for trailer

1. What influence do you think the neighbour had on the trailer?
2. What do you feel towards the main character?

We then explain how we will show them both our film posters and magazine covers, where we will ask them some questions on each.  Alex will lead those for the posters and I will follow with the magazines.

Open questions for poster

1.Which main image do you feel stands out the most?
2.Does the poster relate to the film?
3.Are there any improvements you think could be made to the posters?

Open questions for magazine
1. Which main image do you think is most effective?
2. Which name of the magazine do you think is most effective?  What do you think it suggests?
3. Would you buy the magazine?
4. Which do you think is most successful in promoting the film? Overall, which do you think is best?
5. Are there any improvements you think could be made?

After asking if there are any questions or any more comments, Martelle will round it up by thanking them all for coming. 

Magazine Rough Design

This is a very rough design for my magazine cover showing the basic structure I want it to take.  

Magazine Analysis

2 from cochraner

Saturday 13 April 2013

Critical Analysis of my Poster

  • The film's title is "Repression". This suggests a psychological element, repression meaning the attempt of an individual to repel one's own desires and impulses towards pleasurable instincts. This gives a brief overview of the basis of the film. Written in white, this a colour associated with a chilling atmosphere, shows the thriller element of the film. It also makes it stand out more than anything other on the page, catching people's attention. 
  • The main image is multi-layered - this a medium shot of the main character holding his head in his hands placed over an image of a clock reading 11:57. This causes the audience to question the significance of time and intrigues them as to why the man appears distraught. The clock placed over the man shows the clock to be overpowering the character as if time is controlling/ tormenting him. 
  • The actor is positioned in the centre of the poster, this suggesting he is the main character and focus in the film. 
  • The clock is the iconographic image here, this also a recurring image throughout the trailer. This shows the theme of time.
  • The poster features the tagline, "Lost time is never found again" found directly below the title. This suggests someone reflecting on or living in the past as if in battle with time. This strengthens the imagery. 
  • The production company name is situated at the very top of the poster, this a possible USP. The billing block is conventionally found at the bottom. The website is also found at the bottom, this showing connections between different media platforms related to the film. 
  • The main pleasure/ experience being offered to the audience is the mysterious element to the film. Nothing is given away if the plot, and leaves several questions to the audience, for instance what is the significance of the time? Why does the man appear vulnerable? The audience will be intrigued as a result to find the answers, wanting to watch the trailer to gather a more detailed picture, therefore leading them to watch the full length film.