Saturday 20 April 2013

Focus Group Questionnaire

1. What gender do you think our trailer predominantly targets?
  • Male
  • Female
  • Both

2. What age range do you think our trailer targets?
  • 15 - 25
  • 15 - 40
  • 18 - 25
  • 18 - 40 

3. What genre would you say our trailer is?
  • Horror
  • Action
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Comedy
  • Sci-Fi

4. Depending on the genre you have chosen, what elements of the trailer suggest this?

5. What three camera shots particularly stood out when you watched the trailer?

6. After watching the trailer, would this intrigue you/ give you incentive to see the film in the cinema?
  • Yes
  • No

7. Can you identify the protagonist/ villain from the trailer? What clues are given?

8. Does the soundtrack work effectively with the pace of shots in the trailer?

9. Did you like the ending or did it give too much away?

10. Are you able to predict the story of the film after watching the trailer?  

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