Saturday 20 April 2013

Focus Group Questionnaire Results

1. What gender do you think our trailer predominantly targets?
  • Male                   1
  • Female
  • Both                    7

2. What age range do you think our trailer targets?
  • 15 - 25               1
  • 15 - 40               3
  • 18 - 25               2
  • 18 - 40               2

3. What genre would you say our trailer is?

All of the focus group thought that the genre was psychological thriller. 

4. Depending on the genre you have chosen, what elements of the trailer suggest this?

Mental Illness
The loneliness and the obsession
Panic Elements
Red Lettering
Visual Effects - never see wife 
The Title 
General feeling of insanity/ confusion expressed by the main character and the therapist questions asked

5. What three camera shots particularly stood out when you watched the trailer?

The blurred point of view shot after the main character took the drugs, the black and white slow motion shot, along with the shot of the time on the fridge appear to be the most memorable shots in the trailer. Other shots that stood out most to people include the classroom scene, the breakdown, the close up of the clock, the man running through the house and collapsing in the corridor. 

6. After watching the trailer, would this intrigue you/ give you incentive to see the film in the cinema?

Five people said they would see the film in the cinema - it looks challenging, want to find out what happened to the main character and find out who Lisa is, Interesting characters and gripping titles, wanted to find out the significance of the time questioning whether this is a flashback

Three people said they wouldn't - the twist seemed obvious, gave too much away

7. Can you identify the protagonist/ villain from the trailer? What clues are given?

Most could identify the protagonist as few other characters were shown, almost all of the shots focusing on him.It was also stated that the protagonist was the main character due to the missing Lisa. The antagonist was also identified.

8. Does the soundtrack work effectively with the pace of shots in the trailer?

All though the soundtrack was effective - music up keeping with the genre, increases tension, one person said it was particularly effective towards the end 

9. Did you like the ending or did it give too much away?

Two people though the ending gave too much away, however thought the music resembled that of a real trailer.

Six people thought the opposite - it kept questions unanswered, made them to want to see more, intriguing. 

10. Are you able to predict the story of the film after watching the trailer?

Four people said that they could - simple film to follow along, spoils cliff hanger, can identify that the wife is either dead or imaginary and that the time 11:57 is important, yes but it could be a range of scenarios - murder, relationship break-up etc

Three thought otherwise - apart from the wife dying nothing more is answered

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